My Mind’s Eye Newsletter and Sketch

Hello Everyone!

The My Mind’s Eye April Newsletter has been posted and I wanted to share with you the sketch and layout I made for it. If you would like to see the what the rest of the design team did, be sure to check it out HERE. Would you like to receive the newsletter automatically each month? You can sign up for the My Mind’s Eye Newsletter in the sidebar of the My Mind’s Eye Blog. While you are there be sure to take a peek at the NEW COLLECTIONS!!! 😀 Lime Twist, Hip Hooray, and American Made. Swoon!


OH SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU created with the My Mind’s Eye Stella & Rose HATTIE collection


I have another sketch to share with you that I created for Tammi is having a contest using my sketch until April 15th. To find out more about the contest, you can read about it on the My Scraps and More Blog HERE.

To view sketches created by me visit

Have a great week!


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