Scrapbook Process Video: February SCT Sampler

I’m back with a second layout using the February SCT Sampler kit by Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine. This is a small monthly kit that features a variety of manufacturers for only $14 shipped (if you sign up for 12 months). So far I am enjoying the challenge of incorporating these smaller sets of items with things I already own or challenging myself to just use what is in the kit.

Today’s layout features the PhotoPlay Paper Love Letters collection and some black chipboard pieces by Close to My Heart. I also incorporated three details on this page that were inspired by other crafters/scrapbookers. Click on the video below to scrapbook along with me!

I added a stitched look to the edge of the white cardstock and the top and bottom of the striped paper by using a sewing tracing wheel … a trick I learned by watching a video by Anna Wight. Such a fun and easy detail, especially if you don’t own a sewing machine, or you don’t want to haul out your sewing machine. It would be great to achieve a stitched look on the go, as well.

Enjoy the rest of your week!



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